10 Ways To Make Your Boss Laugh

September 20th, 2012

People like and trust someone with a good sense of humor.  A good sense of humor shows the boss that you are happy and like your job.  A sense of humor is good for job security.  This article from Humor Power gives great advice for humor in the workplace.  Click on the link below to view the article.

10 Ways To Make Your Boss Laugh

We all like a good laugh now and then.  It easier to laugh when you are happily employed doing something you love.  If you are not in that situation, let The Symicor Group help you get there.  Submit your resume and let’s get started.


So You Want to be a Bank Branch Manager!

September 18th, 2012

In this short YouTube video a Bank Branch Manager discusses his typical day at work, the qualifications needed for the job, the best and worst parts of the job, as well as advice that can be used by students and others considering this line of work.  Click link below to watch video.

So You Want to be a Bank Branch Manager!

As you can see a Bank Branch Manager does not sit in his office all day crunching numbers, but is out and about working with customers and the community.  If you have a desire to pursue a Banking position such as this, let’s start a dialog to explore your options.  Simply contact The Symicor Group to get started.

10 Tips for Coping with Job Interview Anxiety

September 16th, 2012

Today is the day of your big interview.  This job means so much to you, but you find yourself full of anxiety.  Here are 10 tips you help you alleviate nerves before an interview from About.com.  Click on link below to see complete article.

10 Tips for Coping with Job Interview Anxiety

Doing your research and being prepared for your interviews are important aspects of overcoming your anxiety.  While The Symicor Group cannot go with you to your interview, we can help you prepare for it. Whether this is your 1st interview in your career or just one of many you have had, let us work with you to present yourself in the best light to land that job.  Contact us today to let us help.


5 Characteristics of a Dynamic Loan Processor

September 14th, 2012

Not everyone is cut out to be a mortgage processor. Find out if you or a team member has what it takes to be a dynamic processor.  Check out this article we found in AdvancingWomen.com by clicking the link below.

5 Characteristics of a Dynamic Loan Processor

The banking experts at The Symicor Group are not only available to help you find a loan processor position, but to provide guidance on your career path.  Submit your resume for review today and let our experts provide you some ideas as to which banking positions might be best for you and your career.


Your Body Language During an Interview SPEAKS LOUDLY!

September 12th, 2012

Don’t let your body language during an interview cost you a job.  The Symicor Group would like to share an interesting article from Forbes that just may help you avoid the most common body language mistakes.  The article also illustrates some of these mistakes in pictures.   Read the entire article by clicking on the link below.

Interview Body Language Mistakes That Can Cost You The Job

The Symicor Group stands ready to help you find a position or find superior talent, please feel free to contact us.

15 Toughest Interview Questions with Answers

September 7th, 2012

The Symicor Group understands what our clients go through during the interview process.  We found this interesting and informative page from the University of Maryland that may be helpful during your next job interview.

15 Toughest Interview Questions with Answers

Contact us if we can help you in your career search.